When you are charged with a DUI, there are a number of different emotions you may be dealing with. You are likely afraid that a conviction could derail your future, nervous about the potential punishment you will receive, and anxious about what steps you can take to put yourself in a position to minimize the impact of your charges. Often, the best first step is contacting an attorney. An Emeryville DUI lawyer could help ease your nerves by removing some of the uncertainty surrounding your case. A reliable defense attorney could provide you with a background of how these cases go through the justice system, give you an idea of the penalties you are facing, and work with you to secure an outcome that puts you back in control of your future.
If you are unsure of what attorney to hire for your case, you’re not alone. According to the State Bar of California, there are over 190,000 licensed attorneys in California on active status. So, how do you choose the right one? There are a couple of things you should pay attention to.
If you are facing a DUI charge, you should work with an attorney that has experience handling DUI cases. Most criminal defense attorneys take varied approaches to handling a DUI case. It’s important to consider whether the firm you are hiring is going to focus on accomplishing your individual goal related to the DUI charge. Check out the website of the firm you are thinking about hiring to see if DUIs are one of their listed practice areas and if they are skilled with DUI litigation and trial as opposed to a quick entry of a plea..
While clients usually don’t always have the best idea of what is considered quality legal work, they can provide a very good summary of their experience working with an attorney from a customer service standpoint. Check out the reviews individuals have left about the Emeryville DUI attorney you plan on hiring. Chances are, they will give you a good idea of the pros and cons of working with that attorney. You can check out what clients say about The Nieves Law Firm by clicking here.
If you are looking to simply enter a plea as charged to a DUI and not fight to get it reduced, dismissed, or acquitted at trial, a cheaper attorney may prove most valuable to you. If you want your attorney to really dive into your case and work towards getting an impressive outcome, it takes time, effort, negotiation, and litigation. Establish your goals for hiring an attorney at the outset and work to find one that will provide legal representation that is consistent with your needs. At The Nieves Law Firm, our Emeryville DUI lawyers are committed to looking at all the options available in your case and will pursue the best outcome available, even if that means fighting your charges in trial. Our firm believes in getting extraordinary results.
If you are looking to hire a good attorney, chances are their prices will be higher than the average. This is because they will likely give your case more attention than those who charge less for their services. Now, we aren’t advocating for you to hire the most expensive attorney out there, but price can sometimes provide insight to quality of work and the anticipated delivery of services. Attorneys tend to charge based on the estimated length and complexity of a case – a lower fee may likely indicate that the attorney does not anticipate having to spend much time on it. Think about your goal and ask yourself if the attorney is charging enough to get you there. Did the attorney even ask you what your goal is? Will they apply a standard approach to your case or are they aiming for impressive results?
Lastly, previous results can give you a good idea of the results your attorney is capable of achieving in your case. While every case is different and results aren’t guaranteed, it could be beneficial to look at the results of the attorney/firm you are thinking of hiring. On top of that, have they received any recognition for their legal work? At The Nieves Law Firm we have received multiple awards for our legal work and have even received special recognition for our work in the DUI field. If you hire a lawyer on our team, you can rest easy knowing that you hired a law firm that has been recognized in the legal field for their high-quality legal representation.
If you’re facing DUI charges in Emeryville, you may be overwhelmed thinking about the effect a conviction could have on your life and wondering about the best way to minimize the impact of your charges. It is important to take your goals of representation into account when hiring an attorney. If you hire an attorney with The Nieves Law Firm, you will be working with an award-winning law firm that is experienced in the DUI field. Contact our team today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about our representation and how we can help you with your DUI charges.
The Nieves Law Firm is dedicated to providing aggressive criminal defense representation to working professionals who have found themselves in trouble with the law. We show up to win, and we’re not afraid to fight aggressively to accomplish our client’s goals.
We understand that being accused of a crime can be a scary and confusing experience. That’s why we take the stress off our clients by handling the full scope of their legal situation from the initial consultation to the final outcome. Our bilingual attorneys and staff are here to ensure that our clients feel heard and understood every step of the way.
As one of the largest criminal defense teams in Oakland and the Greater Bay Area, we have the resources and experience to handle even the most complex cases. Our experienced team examines various aspects of your case and, perhaps most importantly, we genuinely care about our clients and their future. We take the time to learn about their goals and priorities so that we can achieve an outcome that allows them to move past their mistakes and focus on the future they want. When you work with us, you become part of our team.
Our skilled criminal defense attorneys have experience handling a wide range of criminal cases. With a deep understanding of the legal system and a track record of successful cases, our lawyers are committed to achieving the best possible outcome in your case.
When facing a criminal charge, having dedicated and experienced attorneys on your side is critical. At The Nieves Law Firm, we understand the gravity of your situation, and our criminal defense attorneys provide unwavering support and legal guidance.
From the moment you reach out to us, we prioritize your well-being and legal interests. Our criminal lawyers are with you every step of the way, from arrest to hearings and beyond, to ensure that your rights are protected. Whether you’re facing charges related to DUI, drug offenses, assault, sex crimes or any other allegation, we have the knowledge and courtroom experience to fight vigorously on your behalf.
We believe in the power of collaboration and will actively involve you in the decision-making process, ensuring you are well-informed and empowered to make the best choices for your defense. Our goal is not only to navigate the legal complexities but also to provide you with the peace of mind and reassurance you deserve during this challenging time.
Give us a call or contact us online so we can schedule a meeting to discuss your legal needs.
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We work to resolve your legal problems so you can focus on what is most important