Having criminal charges against you could have devastating impacts on your future. The consequences of a criminal conviction could be even more severe if you have prior convictions. Along with the significant jail sentences and substantial fines, your employment, access to education and public benefits, right to own a firearm, and access to housing or loans could be adversely impacted following an arrest or conviction.
If you are charged with a criminal offense, there is a lot at stake. Make sure that your legal rights are protected by a skilled criminal defense attorney. A knowledgeable Fremont criminal defense lawyer could help make the difference in securing a favorable outcome with reduced penalties or even a dismissal or a “not guilty” verdict. There are countless ways that a criminal case can resolve from various alternative pleas and negotiated dispositions to collaborative courts or diversion programs that can impact the penalties associated with a conviction.
An experienced defense attorney can guide you through the negotiation process and the litigation process to help you determine if a plea or trial is better in your case. It is also possible that a seasoned criminal defense lawyer can investigate the case to the point that evidentiary weaknesses unfold and the case gets dismissed. Every case is unique and different, the strength of the defense depends on various factors, communication between the defense attorney and the client, and inspection of the evidence. Hiring a skilled lawyer can help you get a jumpstart on mounting your defense or compiling mitigating evidence for the District Attorney and the court’s consideration. En Español
State and federal courts all have their own standard procedures and local rules. Even individual judges have their own rules for how they operate their departments, how they want documents prepared and submitted, and how they accept evidence that has been submitted. It is crucial to have a legal professional who understands the local rules and the way judges operate from courthouse to courthouse. While some of the differences between courts might be minor, even minor rules could cause significant issues if not followed correctly.
Retaining the services of a local Fremont criminal defense lawyer can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case, as they understand the significant interactions that occur with the parties involved at these courts, including the judges, prosecutors, other attorneys, investigators, and other court staff. Developing trusting relationships with the people that make the decisions throughout an investigation and criminal case could be the difference in securing a favorable outcome.
When it comes to criminal law, there are many categories of offenses that could be charged against an individual. A criminal defense attorney in Fremont understands the elements of each of the types of offenses that a defendant might face. Some of the common categories of criminal charges under state law include:
This is not an exhaustive list of the many crimes that exist in the various codes that an individual can be accused of. Each type of criminal charge requires different elements that the state prosecutors must establish beyond a reasonable doubt to secure a guilty verdict against an individual. Each crime also has various penalties associated with them depending on whether the offense is charged as a misdemeanor or felony, if they are strike offenses, require sex offender registration, require relinquishment of gun rights, or have higher restitution and fine requirements.
Various crimes require time in state prison or county jail, can result in probation or parole, and can have additional terms such as search clauses, stay aways and no contacts, counseling, treatment, or other terms and conditions that are negotiated or imposed by a court at sentencing.
A seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Fremont understands the many types of criminal offenses under state law and could help build a strong defense in your case.
Criminal investigations and charges can be overwhelming for many individuals, especially those that have never dealt with the criminal justice system. An experienced Fremont criminal defense lawyer could help investigate the case against you and fight by your side to secure a favorable result. An attorney should be contacted soon after an investigation starts or charges are filed, so there is sufficient time to put together a strong defense for your case. Call today to get started.
The Nieves Law Firm is dedicated to providing aggressive criminal defense representation to working professionals who have found themselves in trouble with the law. We show up to win, and we’re not afraid to fight aggressively to accomplish our client’s goals.
We understand that being accused of a crime can be a scary and confusing experience. That’s why we take the stress off our clients by handling the full scope of their legal situation from the initial consultation to the final outcome. Our bilingual attorneys and staff are here to ensure that our clients feel heard and understood every step of the way.
As one of the largest criminal defense teams in Oakland and the Greater Bay Area, we have the resources and experience to handle even the most complex cases. Our experienced team examines various aspects of your case and, perhaps most importantly, we genuinely care about our clients and their future. We take the time to learn about their goals and priorities so that we can achieve an outcome that allows them to move past their mistakes and focus on the future they want. When you work with us, you become part of our team.
Our skilled criminal defense attorneys have experience handling a wide range of criminal cases. With a deep understanding of the legal system and a track record of successful cases, our lawyers are committed to achieving the best possible outcome in your case.
When facing a criminal charge, having dedicated and experienced attorneys on your side is critical. At The Nieves Law Firm, we understand the gravity of your situation, and our criminal defense attorneys provide unwavering support and legal guidance.
From the moment you reach out to us, we prioritize your well-being and legal interests. Our criminal lawyers are with you every step of the way, from arrest to hearings and beyond, to ensure that your rights are protected. Whether you’re facing charges related to DUI, drug offenses, assault, sex crimes or any other allegation, we have the knowledge and courtroom experience to fight vigorously on your behalf.
We believe in the power of collaboration and will actively involve you in the decision-making process, ensuring you are well-informed and empowered to make the best choices for your defense. Our goal is not only to navigate the legal complexities but also to provide you with the peace of mind and reassurance you deserve during this challenging time.
Give us a call or contact us online so we can schedule a meeting to discuss your legal needs.
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We work to resolve your legal problems so you can focus on what is most important